
Thursday, January 5, 2012


Calling WCF Services: A better way than generating a proxy

WCF self hosted service over HTTPS

Dynamically Generate a WCF Proxy

Creating and Consuming Your First WCF Service

WCF Queued Messaging

Hosting WCF services in a Windows Forms Application

WCF Basic Client/Server

WCF Transactions - Brief Introduction

WCF Implementation of the Publisher/Subscriber Model

Create a REST service with WCF and consume it using jQuery

REST Technobabble

WCF Streaming: Upload/Download Files Over HTTP

Host your WCF service with multiple host environment using multiple protocol

Restful Crud Operation on a WCF Service

Communication options with WCF - Part 1

CREATE RESTful WCF Service API Using POST: Step By Step Guide

How to Call WCF Services Synchronously and Asynchronously

8 steps to enable windows authentication on WCF BasicHttpBinding

Stateful Web Services using WCF leveraging ASP.NET infrastructure with BasicHttpBinding

WCF Throttling

WCF Support for WSDL 2.0

Basic Authentication on a WCF REST Service

Create REST Service using WCF

A simple peer to peer chat application using WCF netPeerTcpBinding

WCF Basics: Create, Host and Consume with SOAP Faults Handling

WCF Intermediate Service between Client and Server

Simple WCF Hosting and Consuming



























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