
Monday, September 29, 2014

Are You Free? Know your palmistry


Palm reading--the art of decoding the secrets that lie in our own hands--may be as old as the human race itself. The shape of our hands, the mounts and ridges, the nails, and position of the digits--each element reveals something new about our personalities; left and right hands cover different aspects of our lives. In this comprehensive guide to palm reading, the significance of the various lines is revealed: the life line, the head, heart, and fate lines, and the Apollo line, which show how content with life we are. You can use this book to analyze not only your relationships, you career and money prospects, your compatibility withothers, and the state of your health, but also to predict how things may change for you in the future. Here is an exciting new series focused on today's most popular healing approaches and spiritual insights. Presented in a clear, concise format, the Secrets of Series demystifies popular alternative approaches and teaches proper application, providing a perfect balance of theory and practice.

No one can say for certain where palm reading originated. It is possible it came from the mysterious East, most probably India, or, because it was widely practiced in ancient Asia, some of its origins can be traced from those countries as well.

Many of the oldest writings and illustrations on palm reading are of Indian origins that seem to predate everything else that we know about. Palm reading was known as long as 5,000 years ago in the Middle East but not until much later on did the Western world start to record any knowledge of it. In western Europe and Britain specifically there are a small handful of very rare written records and a few drawings but they are difficult to date. In really ancient times, palm reading was largely a superstitution; no written rules were set down for anyone to learn, which meant that there was no method or system to be passed along. In these far-off days, few people were able to read and write anyway.

Early English written documentation is sketchy, not so much through a lack of knowledge but rather an inability to set down in writing anything clear-cut. In early Britain before 1066, the official written language was old English, and even that would have differed dialectically because the country was divided into many kingdoms. So, what we do know about reading hands was passed down by word of mouth and probably in secret because Mother Church did not approve.

The oldest know palm reading work in English language is a manuscript known as the Digby Roll IV, dated around 1440. It is a few strips of vellum sewn together in the style of the time, about 87 inches in length and about 8 inches in width.

The early fortune tellers would have used only the lines when they read the hands of their subjects. Chirognomy was not really developed properly until the middle of the 19th century, and we owe this to two Frenchmen, Casimir D’Arpentigny, who published LA Science de la Main in 1865, the definitive work on hand shapes, and Adrien Desbarrolles, who published Les Mysteres de la Main in 1859, based mostly on the study of lines of the hand. Dermatoglyphics also has its roots in the 19th century and was developed by Francis Galton. From Galton’s patient work came the fingerprinting system now used by police in criminal identification.

Hand reading is divided into three separate branches that make up the whole study:
Chirognomy: The study of the basic shape of the hands. Chiromancy: The study of the lines and other palm markings.

Chiromancy: This is the study of the lines of the hand without reference to any other feature of the palm. Any of the lines, especially the smaller influence marks, can change very easily at the time of a serious emotional incident. When an event such as this occurs and stirs the emotional nature it leaves its mark not only in the psyche but in the hands as well. Minor marks can come and go as and when the heart or mind needs to register such matters because of their importance, at the time or later when the full import of what has taken place has fully registered. Chiromancy is the original or true palm reading.
Chirognomy: This is the study of the shape of the hand and only really came into its own in the middle of the 19th century. This part of the discipline is concerned with the thickness and shape of the palm, thumb, and fingers, their relative lengths, tip formations, and flexibility. To this has been added a study of the nails and the way the hand may be used in gesture.
Dermatoglyphics: Specifically, this is the study of the fingerprints and the palmar skin patterns. These markings can never be destroyed or erased, but they may be disturbed by accident. There has never been a successful attempt to mutilate or destroy them by the criminal element in an effort to hide them. There are two basic types of palmar patterns; the open or coarse, and the closed, or refined. There are five basic skin patterns – the arch, tented arch, composite, loop, and whorl, and to these may be added occasional variations. Each has its own meanings and these are refined dependent on how they appear and where they are formed.
Gesture: It is only in recent times that a study of hand gestures has been added to hand analysis. It is not generally appreciated how much information may be given away by an individual’s sign language, either as the person speaks or with small silent movements that can mean so much.


The hand can be based on the four elements - Fire, Earth, Water and Air. You'll be able to see which career element best suits you.
The FIRE  hand has a rectangular palm with fingers shorter than the palm. On many cases, the fingers may seem to be a trifle wider at their tips. This shape implies an extrovert nature, for these folks are bright and intelligent and have natural leadership talents, always able to make changes when others fail.These people tend to excel at solving problems while others are still wondering what to do and when to do it. They are very good at lateral thinking and solves problems quickly. It doesn't always follow that what they do is right or wrong, but at least they do something! People with this type of hand gravitate to the emergency services - ambulance, fire, or police. They may also enjoy sports and the entertainment field.  Because the fire mentalities have to be occupied with something to keep their alert minds from being underemployed they often have hobbies that fully exercise them. They do sometimes have a lazy streak, but when not, they get burned out easily.
The EARTH hand  has a square palm and slightly shorter fingers. The earth hand type are down-to-earth, reliable, and conventional. They like law and order and are very traditional. There is an innate capacity to cope with routine. They function well in the armed services and many turn to emergency services when they eventually leave. They enjoy outdoor work such as gardening, farming, construction, and they work well with animals.   One of the major faults is impatience. Some earth hand types operate on a very short fuse at times and they can make silly mistakes. They dislike being taken to task for their errors and do not like to make mistakes or be seen to do so.

When there is a distinct curve or bulge running down the outer edge of the palm, it indicates very strong creative abilities and learning. These people normally possess great manual dexterity.
The typical Air hand has a square palm with fingers longer than the palm and is often flexible and supple. Well-balanced and reliable, these people are very creative and crave variety in just about all they do. They must be kept busy, for then they are their very best! Air hand types are socially gifted and enjoy company. they prefer to be in a state of constant intellectual stimulation. However, while they are popular, in emotional relationships they can seem to be somewhat controlled - almost as if they are scared to "let go." They often find it difficult to express themselves emotionally and are not given to impulse behavior of any kind. While they appear to learn from their experiences, they seem unable to cope with one-to-one relationships and issues. As a result, their private lives are very changeable. Too much time is spent controlling their responses; they tackle problems with excessive logic. Air hand types thrive in the communications field. There is a flair for language and an understanding of modern technology such as computers and the Internet. The entertainment field is alive with Air hands because they have mercurial minds and an unflappable attitude. Many actors with Air hand characteristics often look to working behind the camera and turn into excellent directors, and soon learn how to be producers, because they can turn disadvantage into advantage with ease. They also know how to make, and keep money.
Longer rectangular palms with rather long and graceful fingers typify the warm emotional nature of the Water hand. They do best in caring professions like social work, counseling, or therapy.   In fact, these people are more emotionally oriented than is good for them; their moods can swing in either direction so easily that it is difficult to know what they do next or how they will react. The circumstances have to be just right if you want to get the best out of Water Hand people. They are fluid, changeable, and impressionable, and often unreliable because they think with their hearts rather than with their minds. So, thy need to learn to keep both feet very firmly on the ground at all times. When a new romance starts, a frequent event in their lives, it sends them into a world totally of their own making. They probably fall in love with love rather than the object of their affections. Water hands are very sensitive people!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Leadership Style and Organizational Impact

Leadership has a direct cause and effect relationship upon organizations and their success. Leaders determine values, culture, change tolerance and employee motivation. They shape institutional strategies including their execution and effectiveness. Leaders can appear at any level of an institution and are not exclusive to management. Successful leaders do, however, have one thing in common. They influence those around them in order to reap maximum benefit from the organization’s resources, including its most vital and expensive: its people. Libraries require leadership just like business, government and non-profit organizations. Whether a public, special or academic library, that library’s leaders directly affect everything from patron experience to successfully executing stated missions, including resource allocation, services offered and collection development strategies. In fact, the influence of leaders and their effectiveness in moving people to a shared vision can directly shape the library’s people, its materials, how patrons use or interact with them and whether or not that experience is beneficial. With leadership potentially playing such a vital role in the success of information centers and patron experiences, it is useful to consider the different types of leaders and their potential impact on libraries as organizations.
Current leadership theories describe leaders based upon traits or how influence and power are used to achieve objectives. When using trait-based descriptions, leaders may be classified as autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic or charismatic. If viewing leadership from the perspective of the exchange of power and its utilization to secure outcomes, leaders are situational, transactional or transformational. Understanding these different tropes can provide a vocabulary for discussion that can lead to meaningful, desired results. It bears noting that not all leaders are created equal, and leadership quality may vary enormously across industries or simply within an organization. In addition, identifying an individual leader’s style is central to evaluating leadership quality and effectiveness especially as it relates to organizational goals. Below is a brief examination of each common leadership style listed above and their potential impact on a group as well as their relative usefulness.
Autocratic leaders are classic “do as I say” types. Typically, these leaders are inexperienced with leadership thrust upon them in the form of a new position or assignment that involves people management. Autocratic leaders can damage an organization irreparably as they force their ‘followers’ to execute strategies and services in a very narrow way based upon a subjective idea of what success looks like. There is no shared vision and little motivation beyond coercion. Commitment, creativity and innovation are typically eliminated by autocratic leadership. In fact, most followers of autocratic leaders can be described as biding their time waiting for the inevitable failure this leadership produces and the removal of the leader that follows.
Bureaucratic leaders create, and rely on, policy to meet organizational goals. Policies drive execution, strategy, objectives and outcomes. Bureaucratic leaders are most comfortable relying on a stated policy in order to convince followers to get on board. In doing so they send a very direct message that policy dictates direction. Bureaucratic leaders are usually strongly committed to procedures and processes instead of people, and as a result they may appear aloof and highly change adverse. The specific problem or problems associated with using policies to lead aren’t always obvious until the damage is done. The danger here is that leadership’s greatest benefits, motivating and developing people, are ignored by bureaucratic leaders. Policies are simply inadequate to the task of motivating and developing commitment. The specific risk with bureaucratic leaders is the perception that policies come before people, and complaints to that effect are usually met with resistance or disinterest. Policies are not in themselves destructive, but thoughtlessly developed and blindly implemented policy can de-motivate employees and frustrate desired outcomes. The central problem here is similar to the one associated with autocratic leaders. Both styles fail to motivate and have little impact on people development. In fact, the detrimental impact could be significant and far outweigh any benefits realized by these leadership styles.
It sounds easy enough. Instead of one defined leader, the group leads itself. Egalitarian to the core, democratic leaders are frustrated by the enormous effort required to build consensus for even the most mundane decisions as well as the glacial pace required to lead a group by fiat. The potential for poor decision-making and weak execution is significant here. The biggest problem with democratic leadership is its underlying assumptions that everyone has an equal stake in an outcome as well as shared levels of expertise with regard to decisions. That’s rarely the case. While democratic leadership sounds good in theory, it often is bogged down in its own slow process, and workable results usually require an enormous amount of effort.
By far the most successful trait-driven leadership style is charismatic. Charismatic leaders have a vision, as well as a personality that motivates followers to execute that vision. As a result, this leadership type has traditionally been one of the most valued. Charismatic leadership provides fertile ground for creativity and innovation, and is often highly motivational. With charismatic leaders at the helm, the organization’s members simply want to follow. It sounds like a best case scenario. There is however, one significant problem that potentially undercuts the value of charismatic leaders: they can leave. Once gone, an organization can appear rudderless and without direction. The floundering can last for years, because charismatic leaders rarely develop replacements. Their leadership is based upon strength of personality. As a result, charismatic leadership usually eliminates other competing, strong personalities. The result of weeding out the competition is a legion of happy followers, but few future leaders.
Situational leadership theory suggests that the best leaders constantly adapt by adopting different styles for different situations or outcomes. This theory reflects a relatively sophisticated view of leadership in practice and can be a valuable frame of reference for experienced, seasoned leaders who are keenly aware of organizational need and individual motivation. Most importantly, it allows experienced leaders the freedom to choose from a variety of leadership iterations. Problems arise, however, when the wrong style is applied inelegantly.  Also, considering our earlier discussion regarding some of the more ineffective leadership styles like autocratic and bureaucratic, this style requires a warning or disclaimer related to unintended or less than optimal results when choosing one of these styles. With that said, situational leadership can represent a useful framework for leaders to test and develop different styles for various situations with an eye towards fine-tuning leadership results. Situational leadership, however, is most effective when leaders choose more effective styles like charismatic, transactional, and transformational.
The wheeler-dealers of leadership styles, transactional leaders are always willing to give you something in return for following them. It can be any number of things including a good performance review, a raise, a promotion, new responsibilities or a desired change in duties. The problem with transactional leaders is expectations. If the only motivation to follow is in order to get something, what happens during lean times when resources are stretched thin and there is nothing left with which to make a deal? That said, transactional leaders sometimes display the traits or behaviors of charismatic leaders and can be quite effective in many circumstances while creating motivated players. They are adept at making deals that motivate and this can prove beneficial to an organization. The issue then is simply one of sustainability.
Transformational leaders seek to change those they lead. In doing so, they can represent sustainable, self-replicating leadership. Not content to simply use force of personality (charismatic) or bargaining (transactional) to persuade followers, transformational leaders use knowledge, expertise and vision to change those around them in a way that makes them followers with deeply embedded buy-in that remains even when the leader that created it is no longer on the scene. Transformational leaders represent the most valuable form of leadership since followers are given the chance to change, transform and, in the process, develop themselves as contributors. Organizationally this achieves the best leadership outcome since transformational leaders develop people. Transformational leadership is strongly desired since it has no artificial constraints in terms of buy-in and instead is focused on getting followers on board based upon their own evolving thought process and changing responses to leadership challenges. It is particularly suited for fast-paced, change-laden environments that demand creative problem solving and customer commitment.
Libraries need more than leaders and leadership; they need the right kinds of each. To remain viable as institutions, and to add value to the constituents they serve, a library’s leadership must manage change, develop employees and provoke customer commitment. That said, there is a clear difference between leadership styles and there may be instances where one style is more effective; thus a need for flexibility and perhaps an inventory/awareness of who might best lead an initiative based on their styles.  In fact, certain leadership styles actually undermine morale, creativity, innovation and employee commitment. Taking the time to consider the types of leaders you have in your library could be a worthwhile exercise in terms of understanding leadership and its impact on your organization.
Further Reading
Harvard business essentials : managing creativity and innovation, 2003, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Mass.
Adams, B. & Adams, C. 2009, “Transformation”, Leadership Excellence, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 14-15.
Amabile, T. M. & Khaire, M. 2008, “Creativity and the role of the leader”, Harvard business review, vol. 86, no. 10, pp. 100.
Ayman, R. & Korabik, K. 2010, “Leadership”, American Psychologist, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 157-170.
Boulter, J. 2010. Recovery Leadership. Leadership Excellence, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 13-13.
Brown, T. 2009. Leadership in challenging times. Business Strategy Review, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 36.
Dixon, M. L. & Hart, L. K. 2010. The impact of path-goal leadership styles on work group effectiveness and turnover intention. Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 52-69.
Eisenbeiss, S., van Knippenberg, D. & Boerner, S. 2008. Transformational leadership and team innovation: Integrating team climate principles. Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 93, no. 6, pp. 1438.
Giri, V. N. & Santra, T. 2010. Effects of  job experience, career stage, and hierarchy on leadership style. Singapore Management Review, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 85-93.
Isaksen, S. G. 2007. The climate for transformation: Lessons for leaders. Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 3.
Laohavichien, T., Fredendall, L. D. & Cantrell, R. S. 2009. The effects of transformational and transactional leadership on quality improvement. Quality Management Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 7-24.
Miles, R. E. 2007. Innovation and Leadership Values. California Management Review, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 192.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Leadership Style Matrix

Choosing the Best Leadership Approach

Leadership Style Matrix
Choose the best leadership style for the people and the project that you're leading.
When you start to manage new people, how do you know which leadership style you should use?
There are a number of things that determine this.
For example, does the work have scope for creativity, or does it need to be completed in a specific way?
Would close management be best, or should you encourage your people to work independently and deliver a finished product?
Different people and different types of projects need different leadership styles. But how do you know which approach is best for each project, person, or situation?
In this article, we'll look at the Leadership Style Matrix, a model that helps you decide.


Eric Flamholtz and Yvonne Randle developed the Leadership Style Matrix and published it in their 2007 book, "Growing Pains." The matrix, shown in Figure 1, helps you choose the most appropriate leadership style, based on the type of task you're involved with and the people you're leading.

Figure 1 – The Leadership Style Matrix

Leadership Style Matrix Diagram
From "Growing Pains: Transitioning From an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm" by Eric G. Flamholtz and and Yvonne Randle. Fourth Edition. © 2007. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
The Leadership Style Matrix is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant lists two leadership styles that are best suited for a specific situation and person (or group).
The Y-axis defines the "programmability" of the task. A programmable task has specific steps or instructions to complete. A non-programmable task is more creative; it's up to the individual to decide how best to accomplish it.
The X-axis describes the individual's capability and preference for autonomy. Several factors influence this, including education, skill, motivation, and their desire for feedback, interaction, or independence.
For instance, a person with a high level of education, skill, motivation and independence is likely to want autonomy. Someone with low motivation and skill will need – and may want – more feedback and interaction, so that he or she can complete the task successfully.

Using the Model

To use the model, first look at the Y-axis. If the task must be done in a specific way, or if it has specific steps, then move lower down the axis. If the task is more creative, or if the procedure will change depending on individual input, move higher up the axis.
Next, look at the X-axis. If the people you're leading prefer to work alone, move right on the axis. If they need more instruction and interaction from you, move to the left.
The quadrant that you fall into lists the two leadership styles that are most likely to be appropriate for your situation.

Applying the Model

Let's look at each quadrant, and the corresponding leadership styles, in detail.

Quadrant 1: High Programmability/Low Job Autonomy

Sometimes you'll be in charge of a task that must be done in a specific way; or that needs to be completed by a team that needs a great deal of motivation, guidance, feedback, or interaction. In these cases, a directive leadership approach is most effective.
There are two styles you can use here:
Autocratic – The autocratic style is sometimes criticized because it seems outdated. This leadership style is authoritative: you issue instructions without explanation, and you expect team members to follow them without question.
Although it might seem repressive, this style can be effective in some situations, especially when your team depends on your leadership and feedback, and when the work must be done in a specific way. It's also effective in a crisis or emergency situation; or when you're dealing with very significant risks.
It's important to strike a healthy balance when using this leadership style. You need to lead with strength and assertiveness, but it's also important to lead with kindness . Don't forget that your team members depend on the feedback   that you give them. Praise their good work regularly, and give them constructive criticism on how they can improve.
Benevolent Autocratic – The benevolent autocratic style is similar to the autocratic style. However, this approach is more participative. For example, instead of just issuing instructions, you also explain the reasons behind the instructions.
To use this style successfully, communicate the reasons why your team must follow your instructions. For instance, explain rules  , so that members of your team understand the reasons behind them. When they understand why certain rules or procedures are in place, they're more likely to follow them.
As your team is working, practice management by wandering around  , so that you're available to answer questions and provide feedback. This visibility and support will help you keep your project on track and show your team members that you're there when they need you.

Quadrant 2: High Programmability/High Job Autonomy

When the task that you're delegating must be completed in a specific way, and the person that you're delegating to wants to have autonomy in his or her work, you can use either a consultative or a participative style of leadership.
Consultative – You use a consultative leadership style when you ask your team members for their input and opinion, but you still have the final say. You consult with the group, yet you're responsible for choosing the best course of action.
To use the consultative leadership style successfully, build trust in your team. When trust is present, your team members will feel comfortable offering their opinions and reacting honestly to issues.
Be open to the ideas and suggestions that your team members provide – if you criticize or dismiss your team members' suggestions, they'll quickly stop speaking up, especially if they suspect that you've already made up your mind. Keep an open mind, and be willing to change your opinion if someone presents a better idea.
Participative – The participative leadership style is similar to the consultative style, where you still have the final say in a decision. However, the participative style goes a step further – you depend on your group to develop ideas, not just offer opinions on an idea. The participative style is more about group problem solving and brainstorming.
To use the participative style successfully, use group decision-making and group problem-solving tools to ensure that each person's voice is heard equally. (Our article on organizing team decision-making will help you develop team decision-making strategies.)
Keep in mind that while you're depending on your team members for their input, you still need to guide the discussion, you need to communicate goals, and you need to make the final decision. Make sure that everyone on your team understands your role in this process.

Quadrant 3: Low Programmability/Low Job Autonomy

Here, you're leading a highly creative project, with a person or with team members who don't want autonomy. Instead, they need direction, input, and interaction. The two leadership styles that best fit this situation are Consultative and Participative.
These are the same leadership styles that fit best in Quadrant 2: High Programmability/High Job Autonomy.

Quadrant 4: Low Programmability/High Job Autonomy

You fall into this quadrant when you're assigning a creative – or "loose" – project to a person who wants freedom and independence to work. This means that you need to take a nondirective leadership approach.
There are two styles that you can use here:
Consensus – One option is to use a consensual leadership style. Essentially, this means that you're going to give your team member a great deal of authority in the decision-making process. Instead of being the "boss," it's almost as if you become part of the team.
Ensure that your team member understands his or her responsibilities when you use this style.
Laissez-faire – Laissez-faire is a hands-off leadership style that you should use carefully. You give team members freedom over how and when they're going to do their work, but you're there if they need resources or help.
You should only use laissez-faire leadership in the right situations, and you should avoid taking this style to the extreme. However, when you're working with someone who is highly skilled, motivated, and intelligent, using this leadership style can be very effective.
To use laissez-faire successfully, make sure that you delegate the right tasks to the right people. A mismatch between the task and the individual will likely mean that the team member needs additional help from you, and that they may not thrive.


This is a useful framework for deciding which leadership style to use for your situation, but there are several other tools that can give equally valuable perspectives.
For example, the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership® Theory suggests different leadership styles for individuals with different levels of maturity; and Path Goal Theory looks at leadership styles that are appropriate for different individuals and different situations.
Explore all of these before you settle on your preferred leadership style.

5 Different Types of Leadership Styles

Different types of leadership styles exist in work environments. Advantages and disadvantages exist within each leadership style. The culture and goals of an organization determine which leadership style fits the firm best. Some companies offer several leadership styles within the organization, dependent upon the necessary tasks to complete and departmental needs.


A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees possess those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez-faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs.


The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers possess total authority and impose their will on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. Countries such as Cuba and North Korea operate under the autocratic leadership style. This leadership style benefits employees who require close supervision. Creative employees who thrive in group functions detest this leadership style.
Often called the democratic leadership style, participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. Participative leadership boosts employee morale because employees make contributions to the decision-making process. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. When a company needs to make changes within the organization, the participative leadership style helps employees accept changes easily because they play a role in the process. This style meets challenges when companies need to make a decision in a short period.


Managers using the transactional leadership style receive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards or punishments to team members based on performance results. Managers and team members set predetermined goals together, and employees agree to follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. The manager possesses power to review results and train or correct employees when team members fail to meet goals. Employees receive rewards, such as bonuses, when they accomplish goals.


The transformational leadership style depends on high levels of communication from management to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through communication and high visibility. This style of leadership requires the involvement of management to meet goals. Leaders focus on the big picture within an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals.

Leadership Styles

Adapted from “The Wall Street Journal Guide to Management” by Alan Murray, published by Harper Business.
Leadership is less about your needs, and more about the needs of the people and the organization you are leading. Leadership styles are not something to be tried on like so many suits, to see which fits. Rather, they should be adapted to the particular demands of the situation, the particular requirements of the people involved and the particular challenges facing the organization.
In the book “Primal Leadership,” Daniel Goleman, who popularized the notion of “Emotional Intelligence,” describes six different styles of leadership. The most effective leaders can move among these styles, adopting the one that meets the needs of the moment. They can all become part of the leader’s repertoire.
Visionary. This style is most appropriate when an organization needs a new direction. Its goal is to move people towards a new set of shared dreams. “Visionary leaders articulate where a group is going, but not how it will get there – setting people free to innovate, experiment, take calculated risks,” write Mr. Goleman and his coauthors.
Coaching. This one-on-one style focuses on developing individuals, showing them how to improve their performance, and helping to connect their goals to the goals of the organization. Coaching works best, Mr. Goleman writes, “with employees who show initiative and want more professional development.” But it can backfire if it’s perceived as “micromanaging” an employee, and undermines his or her self-confidence.
Affiliative. This style emphasizes the importance of team work, and creates harmony in a group by connecting people to each other. Mr. Goleman argues this approach is particularly valuable “when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization.” But he warns against using it alone, since its emphasis on group praise can allow poor performance to go uncorrected. “Employees may perceive,” he writes, “that mediocrity is tolerated.”
Democratic. This style draws on people’s knowledge and skills, and creates a group commitment to the resulting goals. It works best when the direction the organization should take is unclear, and the leader needs to tap the collective wisdom of the group. Mr. Goleman warns that this consensus-building approach can be disastrous in times of crisis, when urgent events demand quick decisions.
Pacesetting. In this style, the leader sets high standards for performance. He or she is “obsessive about doing things better and faster, and asks the same of everyone.” But Mr. Goleman warns this style should be used sparingly, because it can undercut morale and make people feel as if they are failing. “Our data shows that, more often than not, pacesetting poisons the climate,” he writes.
Commanding. This is classic model of “military” style leadership – probably the most often used, but the least often effective. Because it rarely involves praise and frequently employs criticism, it undercuts morale and job satisfaction. Mr. Goleman argues it is only effective in a crisis, when an urgent turnaround is needed. Even the modern military has come to recognize its limited usefulness.

What Is the Difference Between Assigned Leadership & Emergent Leadership?

When your small business grows, you will need leaders other than yourself. You can look among your current employees for anyone who displays leadership qualities. These are emergent leaders. You can search among job seekers for people to hire for leadership positions. These are assigned leaders. These two types of leaders can have different styles and different effects on your employees.

Assigned Leadership

Assigned leaders derive their authority from their positions in the company hierarchy. The titles you give them carry weight with the employees they lead and you expect employees to show respect for the position. Eventually, however, employees must come to respect the person. The assigned leader must demonstrate wisdom, problem-solving skills and the ability to motivate employees in order to maintain a position of leadership and justify the assignment.

Emergent Leadership

When an employee begins taking on tasks voluntarily, helping others complete their tasks better and encouraging consensus among coworkers, this person is an emergent leader. This type of leadership is distinguished by the leader proving herself before being formally given a leadership title. Emergent leaders offer you the advantage of knowing in advance of a promotion that the person can handle the job. This type of leadership can also garner the leader respect among employees who know that the leader has shown the ability to work hard. Employees may expect emergent leadership to demonstrate more empathy for the worker than assigned leadership.
Employees may perceive that assigned leaders are educated, intelligent and wise, even if they are not. This is because workers assume that you as the owner performed some kind of screening process and found the best person for the job. This kind of automatic authority has its pitfalls. If your assigned leader has areas in which he is incompetent, employees can begin to resent having to follow such a person. Similarly, an emergent leader may cause resentment if she has to make decisions that help the company instead of employees. For example, an emergent leader may come out against employee raises based on a review of company finances. Employees can feel betrayed by an emergent leader, even though the reality is the leader may be making wise decisions.

Two Leaders in Conflict

On occasion, you may have an assigned leader in a department when the actual leader is an employee under that person. The emergent leader may have the ability to encourage cooperation and consensus in a way that the assigned leader does not. The problem can become counterproductive if the emergent leader defies the assigned leader when they have different approaches or solutions to problems. At that point, you may have to reassign one or both people.

Leadership & Organizational Effectiveness

Effective leaders influence their organization’s effectiveness by motivating and inspiring the workforce. Committed and loyal employees expect their leaders provide a clear vision of the company’s strategic direction. They also want to see consistency in decisions made in response to problems or issues. Clear, concise communication from leaders on a regular basis ensures that all employees know what to do. With this type of structure, leaders enable organizational effectiveness, productivity and profitability.


Using a charismatic leadership style, an effective leader motivates his workforce to accomplish job tasks by giving inspirational speeches that describe the company vision in vivid detail. This motivates the employees to work hard to achieve the goals. When the leader shows a personal commitment to hard work and innovative approaches to problem solving, employees typically value these things too. Leaders provide incentives to employees, such as bonuses and other financial rewards, to increase production.

Team Building

Successful leaders recognize that to function well, team members need to collaborate effectively. They conduct team-building exercises and ensure that each member feels their contribution to the team is valued. When teams are dispersed instead of working in the same location, leaders need to take extra steps to ensure that the virtual team communicates clearly. For example, using all the features of web-based conferencing software and webcams, such as surveys and polls, the leader can conduct virtual meetings that enhance interaction. This leads to organizational effectiveness.


Changes in technology, executive leadership and market conditions can affect employee productivity. An effective leader minimizes distractions for his employees and helps them manage transitions to new working conditions. For example, when an organization installs a new software package to handle accounting transactions, the leader ensures that all employees who will use the system get the training they need in advance of the implementation. That way, when the system goes live, everyone is ready. Additionally, effective leaders ask for feedback from subordinates on organizational issues. When employees feel like they are part of the decision-making process, they tend to adapt to changes more quickly.


An effective leader mentors subordinates to help them develop their own leadership skills. He provides workshops in presentation skills, negotiation, business acumen, project management and other leadership competencies so that when the time comes, these subordinates can take over for departing leaders. Leaders contribute to long-term organizational effectiveness through succession planning, helping employees maintain a healthy work and life balance and exemplifying high standards of ethical behavior.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Do you know what your customers are saying about you?

How great would it be to have clients that ran around telling everyone they met about how great you were? Sounds too good to be true? 

How useful would it be to know how to turn your customers into raving fans? It can't be that easy can it? 

Well, what if we told you that, to start with you could do something so easy, you won't be able to believe that you haven't already been doing it? What if you knew what your clients were thinking, without having to learn how to read minds of course? The great news is, you don't need to learn how to read minds, because if you follow these three simple steps, you are bound to succeed in creation raving fans. 
Step 1. ASK

What do we mean by ask? We mean really think about what it is that you want to know. Build up the list of questions. What are the impacting things that your business really needs to know about. Look into it, discuss it with your colleagues and first and foremost, include every single person in your business, from the very bottom to the very top. You'll often find the question you really need to ask is one that "your boots on the group" will know a lot more about than you up at the top. 

Step 2. LISTEN

Now, we all think that we listen don't we? Some of us even say that we are "great listeners", but let's face it, how many times have you been listening to a colleague, friend or partner whilst looking at a computer screen, your mobile or some other electronic device, giving it the occasional nod and maybe even the agreeing "hmmnn" from time to time. It's important when looking to our clients for feedback that we concentrate on listening and actually hearing what they have to say. 

Take what has been said, written or filled in online and really take the time to break down the information and feedback. Look at the stats. What are your clients trying to tell you? What can you improve on? How can you make the experience better for them? 

Step 3. ACTION

You've done the hard part, you've recognised you want to create raving fans, you have looked at what you need to ask to best benefit the business and you have asked your customers to give you feedback on what they think you can improve on and what is important to them. So the worst thing you could do now is file the results on the shelf! 

Now is time for action, as with looking at the correct questions to ask, now that you have the results, share them with everyone involved, with everyone in the organisation. Make sure that everyone knows what your clients believe are the most important things you need to do right. 

Then simply DO them… If your clients want better service, friendlier opening times, more accessible customer support, an easier way to get in touch or whatever it might be, do it! At the end of the day, all companies are only as big as their customers and if you aren't in the business of pleasing them, chances are, you won't be in business long. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to Start an Advertising Agency

Even if you've gone to college and earned a degree in communications or advertising, it's still a challenge to get a job in your chosen field. If you have the education and experience, but are frustrated by a lack of opportunities, consider the possibilities if you were to start an advertising agency of your own. With any new business, there is a lot to learn, but the following steps to start an advertising agency can give you an idea of what you need to do first.


  1. Start an Advertising Agency Step 1.jpg
    Develop a solid business plan. Running your own advertising agency is going to be much different than working for one, so the first thing you need to do is outline what your objectives are and a detailed plan of how you are going to accomplish them. You will need to factor in startup costs, office space, employees, payroll, and supplies.
  2. Start an Advertising Agency Step 2.jpg
    Assemble your portfolio. If you don't already have one, put your portfolio together, including all of your best work and campaigns from your previous job. The portfolio should be taken with you on all of your appointments with prospective contacts and clients, using it as your calling card showing what you can do.
  3. Start an Advertising Agency Step 3.jpg
    Cultivate contacts and professional relationships. As soon as you open an ad agency and begin to implement your business plan, visit newspapers and radio stations that you will be using in your day-to-day operations. When it comes time to launch an ad campaign, these meetings with sales representatives will pay off as you know who to go to get your client's message to the public.
  4. Start an Advertising Agency Step 4.jpg
    Build your client base. Don't be intimidated by the cold call when you start an advertising agency. Do some background research on the companies in your area that are regular advertisers or companies that need an agency, and schedule appointments.
  5. Start an Advertising Agency Step 5.jpg
    Keep current on industry trends. The advertising business is constantly changing and moving with society, so it's important to subscribe to industry trade publications and join industry trade associations. By attending conferences, you can also get an advance look at what your competition is planning and what companies may be ready for a change in advertising firms.
  6. Start an Advertising Agency Step 6.jpg
    Start a comprehensive website. The Internet is rapidly becoming the tool for finding information. It's imperative that you design a dynamic site that lures potential clients in while providing them with all the information they need about your advertising firm to call you and set up a consultation.
  7. Start an Advertising Agency Step 7.jpg
    Provide virtual advertising opportunities. More companies are interested in advertising on the Internet. You will need to develop contacts and know how to place ads for your clients on the Internet. This is an important area that should not be overlooked when you start an advertising agency