
Friday, November 18, 2011

Always On Top Javascript

This floating message javascript is very useful, especially if you want the visitor to see a prominent advertising banner, etc, where the message is always on top of other page content. I'm sure you can think of some very good uses for this script.
The good part of the floating message script is that as you scroll the page, the message scrolls with it, hence the name of "always on top". The message can either flash on and off, as in the example, or be static and you can add all normal html attributes such as links,font type and color, etc.
The floating message javascript is a breeze to set up. Of course your colors might be a little different than the very bright example on this page.
Copy the code below and paste this within the <body> and </body> section of your html document.
Configure the floating message etc, to suit, at the top of the script. All necessary instructions are contained at the top of the script, showing what and where you can change to suit your needs and site design.

<script> //enter your message 
in this part, including any html tags var message='<center><b><font 
color=blue size=4><a href="hosting.html">Webhosting with simply 
super support!<br>Click Here!</a></font></b></center>' 
//enter a color name or hex value to be used as the background color of the message. 
Don't use hash # sign var backgroundcolor="red" //enter 0 for always 
display, 1 for a set period, 2 for random display mode var displaymode=0 //if 
displaymode is set to display for a set period, enter the period below (1000=1 
sec) var displayduration=10000 //enter 0 for non-flashing message, 1 for flashing 
var flashmode=1 //if above is set to flashing, enter the flash-to color below 
var flashtocolor="yellow" ///////////////do not edit below this line//////////////////////////////////////// 
<!-- script distributed by function regenerate(){ 
window.location.reload() } var which=0 function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers) 
setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) } function display2(){ 
if (document.layers){ if (topmsg.visibility=="show") topmsg.visibility="hide" 
else topmsg.visibility="show" } else if (document.all){ if ("visible")"hidden" else"visible" 
setTimeout("display2()",Math.round(Math.random()*10000)+10000) } } function 
flash(){ if (which==0){ if (document.layers) topmsg.bgColor=flashtocolor else which=1 } else{ if (document.layers) 
topmsg.bgColor=backgroundcolor else 
which=0 } } if (document.all){ document.write('<span id="topmsg" 
} function logoit(){ 
} function logoit2(){ topmsg.left=pageXOffset+window.innerWidth/2-topmsg.document.width/2 setTimeout("logoit2()",90) 
} function setmessage(){"visible" 
if (displaymode==1) setTimeout("'hidden'",displayduration) 
else if (displaymode==2) display2() if (flashmode==1) setInterval("flash()",1000) 
window.onscroll=logoit window.onresize=new Function("window.location.reload()") 
} function setmessage2(){ topmsg=new Layer(window.innerWidth) topmsg.bgColor=backgroundcolor 
regenerate2() topmsg.document.write(message) topmsg.document.close() logoit2() 
topmsg.visibility="show" if (displaymode==1) setTimeout("topmsg.visibility='hide'",displayduration) 
else if (displaymode==2) display2() if (flashmode==1) setInterval("flash()",1000) 
} if (document.layers) window.onload=setmessage2 else if (document.all) window.onload=setmessage 
end script --> </script>

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