
Friday, May 20, 2011

Calculate the Day You Were Born.

This simple day born javascript calculates the day you were born from the date that you supply. Very useful script which is easy to install. 2 step copy and paste installation with nothing at all to alter.
Copy and paste the script below and place this into the <head> of your html document.
function calculate() { month = document.form.month.selectedIndex; month = document.form.month.options[month].value;
day =; day =[day].value;
year = document.form.year.value; var oyear=year var dob = " "+ year
+", "+month + ", "+day; var thenx = new Date(dob); var year=thenx.getYear();
if (year<100) year="19" + thenx.getYear(); else year=thenx.getYear();
if (year > 1969) wyear=year; else { if (oyear<1900) { if (oyear>1800)
{ wrelyear= (eval(oyear)-1801)%(28); wyear = wrelyear+1981; } else wyear = 1970
} else if (oyear>1900) {wrelyear= (eval(oyear)-1901)%(28); wyear= wrelyear+1985
} else if (oyear==1900) {wyear= 1990; } } var dob = " "+ wyear +",
"+month + ", "+day; var thenx = new Date(dob); var theday = thenx.getDay()+1;
var date=thenx.getDate(); var weekday = new Array(6); weekday[1]="Sunday";
weekday[2]="Monday"; weekday[3]="Tuesday"; weekday[4]="Wednesday";
weekday[5]="Thursday"; weekday[6]="Friday"; weekday[7]="Saturday";
if (day != date) alert("Sorry! That appears to be an invalid date!"+day+"
..."+date+"::"+oyear+"..."+year+" "+dob+"=="+wyear+".-.-"+thenx+"
"+day+" "+month); else { dayborn = weekday[theday]; dob = dayborn
+ ", " + month + " " + date + ", " + oyear + ".";
alert("You were born on " + dob); } } // End --> </script>

Copy and paste the script below and place this into the <body> of your html document where you want the form to appear.
name=form> <center> <table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=white>
<tr><td colspan=3 align=center><font face="verdana, arial"
size="-1">When were you born?</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center> <select name="month"> <option
value="" selected>Month <option value="January">Jan
<option value="February">Feb <option value="March">Mar
<option value="April">Apr <option value="May">May
<option value="June">Jun <option value="July">Jul
<option value="August">Aug <option value="September">Sep
<option value="October">Oct <option value="November">Nov
<option value="December">Dec </select> </td> <td
align=center> <select name="day"> <option value=""
selected>Day <option value="1">01 <option value="2">02
<option value="3">03 <option value="4">04 <option
value="5">05 <option value="6">06 <option value="7">07
<option value="8">08 <option value="9">09 <option
value="10">10 <option value="11">11 <option value="12">12
<option value="13">13 <option value="14">14 <option
value="15">15 <option value="16">16 <option value="17">17
<option value="18">18 <option value="19">19 <option
value="20">20 <option value="21">21 <option value="22">22
<option value="23">23 <option value="24">24 <option
value="25">25 <option value="26">26 <option value="27">27
<option value="28">28 <option value="29">29 <option
value="30">30 <option value="31">31 </select>
</td> <td align=center> <input type=text name=year value="19"
size=4 maxlength=4> </td></tr> </table><p> <input
type=button value="Calculate" onClick="calculate()"> </center>

That's It! enjoy!

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