
Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to Query Active Directory using LDAP in SQL Server 2000 / 2005

Step 1:- Add a linked server for the Active Directory
Syntax: exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘ADSI’, ‘Active Directory Services 2.5′, ‘ADsDSOObject’, ‘adsdatasource’
Example: exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘ADSI’, ‘Active Directory Services 2.5′, ‘ADsDSOObject’, ‘’
Note: I had to use exec sp_dropserver ‘ADSI’, droplogins in order to readd it since ADSI already existed but with an incorrect datasource.
Step 2 :- You can query the Active Directory listing (LDAP is limited to only 1000 rows returned. You may need to adjust this) Refer to  the following Microsoft link for directions on how to change the maxpagesize.
Select * from OpenQuery(ADSI, ‘Select name from ''LDAP://,DC=com’’ where objectClass =''Computer’’ and memberOf = ''CN=AdminSecurity,DC=krsdom,DC=com’’’)
Note1: All quotes in the query are single quotes.
Note2: Used DSQuery.exe to find proper syntax for  memberOf
Ran Dsquery * dc=krsdom, dc=com –attr * -limit 2000 >c:\ad.txt and then searched for AdminSecurity in ad.txt
Here is the list of columns that can be used to query.
List of columns for querying Active Directory using LDAP.
1. countrycode
2. cn
3. msexchuseraccountcontrol
4. mailnickname
5. msexchhomeservername
6. msexchhidefromaddresslists
7. msexchalobjectversion
8. usncreated
9. objectguid
10. msexchrequireauthtosendto
11. whenchanged
12. memberof
13. accountexpires
14. displayname
15. primarygroupid
16. badpwdcount
17. objectclass
18. instancetype
19. msmqdigests
20. objectcategory
21. samaccounttype
22. whencreated
23. lastlogon
24. useraccountcontrol
25. msmqsigncertificates
26. samaccountname
27. userparameters

28. mail
29. msexchmailboxsecuritydescriptor
30. adspath
31. lockouttime
32. homemta
33. description
34. msexchmailboxguid
35. pwdlastset
36. logoncount
37. codepage
38. name
39. usnchanged
40. legacyexchangedn
41. proxyaddresses
42. userprincipalname
43. admincount
44. badpasswordtime
45. objectsid
46. msexchpoliciesincluded
47. mdbusedefaults
48. distinguishedname
49. showinaddressbook
50. givenname
51. textencodedoraddress
52. lastlogontimestamp
53. homemdb
 Query that was created for Report and collection
SELECT vc.guid, vc.Name as [Computer Name],vc.[User],sn.[Computer Model],sn.[Computer Type] FROM vComputer as vc
      JOIN Inv_AeX_HW_Serial_Number as sn ON sn._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
      WHERE Name IN
'Select Name from ''LDAP://,DC=com''
where objectClass=''computer'' and
memberOf=''CN=AdminSecurity,DC=krsdom,DC=com''') as ad)
ORDER BY vc.Name

Legacy ID


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