
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reqular Expression for Strong Password


This regular expression match can be used for validating strong password. It expects atleast 1 small-case letter or Capital letter, 1 digit, 1 special character and the length should be between 6-10 characters. The sequence of the characters is not important. This expression follows the above 4 norms specified by microsoft for a strong password.



Password expresion that requires one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit, 6-13 length, and no spaces. This is merely an extension of a previously posted expression by Steven Smith ( . The no spaces is new.


I built this expression to test a string in ASP for valid username and password constraints. It can be adapted for any number of scenerios. For instance in this case, we needed to ensure the username someone wanted was not all numbers or all letters and was 6-15 characters in length with no special characters. This expression tests negatively for all number cases, then all letter cases, and lastly tests for only alphanumeric characters in the required range. In other words: the match must be alphanumeric with at least one number, one letter, and be between 6-15 character in length.


Password matching expression. Password must be at least 8 characters, no more than 15 characters, and must include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one numeric digit.


This RegExp is degigned to mach SQL OLEDB Connection String to the Named Groups Properties useful for .Net MATCH EXAMPLE(the submition field is too short):Provider="SQLOLEDB.1";Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password="SA_PASS";Connection TimeOut=90


This regular expression match can be used for validating strong password. It expects atleast 1 small-case letter, 1 Capital letter, 1 digit, 1 special character and the length should be between 6-10 characters. The sequence of the characters is not important. This expression follows the above 4 norms specified by microsoft for a strong password.


Password filter that matches the NSA Password filter DLL ENPASFILT.DLL. At least 1 small-case letter At least 1 Capital letter At least 1 digit At least 1 special character Length should be between 8-30 characters. Spaces allowed The sequence of the characters is not important.


Pattern must match 8-12 character, numeric, and symbol combination 1) at least one uppercase letter, 2) at least on lowercase letter, 3) at least one number, 4) and one special charater, that is specified in advanced. The first character must be a character upper or lower, and no spaces allowed.


Validates a strong password. It must be between 8 and 10 characters, contain at least one digit and one alphabetic character, and must not contain special characters

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