You are working as SQL Server developer / TSQL Developer for finical firm. You are working on analysis data from one of the database. You need to find String let say "Aamir" in all the columns of all the table in SQL server database.
This analysis can really help us to find if we are strong a lot of duplicate data and what type of index will work better for us. We often get this type of request from business where they like to check the data in all the tables and further dig into it if found.
We are going to use Cursor to find all the string in all the columns in all the tables in SQL Server Database. As this query is going to run for all the columns of datatype char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar,text and ntext. This can be expensive. If your database is small , you might be good to run.
In cases where your database is big in size, you might want to take the backup and restore on server where users are not connected and run your query there. Or run during those hours when you have less or almost no activity.
Here are my test results
This analysis can really help us to find if we are strong a lot of duplicate data and what type of index will work better for us. We often get this type of request from business where they like to check the data in all the tables and further dig into it if found.We are going to use Cursor to find all the string in all the columns in all the tables in SQL Server Database. As this query is going to run for all the columns of datatype char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar,text and ntext. This can be expensive. If your database is small , you might be good to run.
In cases where your database is big in size, you might want to take the backup and restore on server where users are not connected and run your query there. Or run during those hours when you have less or almost no activity.
USE YourDBName GO Declare @SearchString VARCHAR(100) --Provide the String here. I am using Aamir for search SET @SearchString='aamir' DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @ColumnName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @FullyQualifiedTableName VARCHAR(500) Declare @DataType VARCHAR(50) --Create Temp Table to Save Results IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results CREATE TABLE #Results ( DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) ,SchemaName VARCHAR(100) ,TableName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnDataType VARCHAR(50) ,TotalTableRowCount INT ,StringOccuranceRecordCount INT ) DECLARE Cur CURSOR FOR SELECT C.Table_CataLog ,C.Table_Schema ,C.Table_Name ,C.Column_Name ,'[' + C.Table_CataLog + ']' + '.[' + C.Table_Schema + '].' + '[' + C.Table_Name + ']' AS FullQualifiedTableName, C.Data_Type FROM information_schema.Columns C INNER JOIN information_Schema.Tables T ON C.Table_Name = T.Table_Name AND T.Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE' and (C.Data_Type like '%CHAR%' or C.Data_Type like '%Text%') OPEN Cur FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL SET @SQL = ' Select ''' + @DatabaseName + ''' AS DatabaseName, ''' + @SchemaName + ''' AS TableName, ''' + @TableName + ''' AS SchemaName, ''' + @ColumnName + ''' AS ColumnName, ''' + @DataType + ''' AS ColumnName, (Select count(*) from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + ' With (Nolock)) AS TotalTableRowCount, count(*) as StringOccuranceRecordCount from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + 'With (Nolock) Where '+@ColumnName+' like '''+'%'+ @SearchString+'%''' -- Print @SQL INSERT INTO #Results EXEC (@SQL) FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType END CLOSE Cur DEALLOCATE Cur SELECT *, Cast((StringOccuranceRecordCount/Cast(TotalTableRowCount as Numeric(13,1)))*100
AS Numeric(4,1)) AS StringOccurancePercentPerColumn from #Results Where StringOccuranceRecordCount<>0 --drop table #Results
Here are my test results
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