
Monday, September 22, 2014

Do you know what your customers are saying about you?

How great would it be to have clients that ran around telling everyone they met about how great you were? Sounds too good to be true? 

How useful would it be to know how to turn your customers into raving fans? It can't be that easy can it? 

Well, what if we told you that, to start with you could do something so easy, you won't be able to believe that you haven't already been doing it? What if you knew what your clients were thinking, without having to learn how to read minds of course? The great news is, you don't need to learn how to read minds, because if you follow these three simple steps, you are bound to succeed in creation raving fans. 
Step 1. ASK

What do we mean by ask? We mean really think about what it is that you want to know. Build up the list of questions. What are the impacting things that your business really needs to know about. Look into it, discuss it with your colleagues and first and foremost, include every single person in your business, from the very bottom to the very top. You'll often find the question you really need to ask is one that "your boots on the group" will know a lot more about than you up at the top. 

Step 2. LISTEN

Now, we all think that we listen don't we? Some of us even say that we are "great listeners", but let's face it, how many times have you been listening to a colleague, friend or partner whilst looking at a computer screen, your mobile or some other electronic device, giving it the occasional nod and maybe even the agreeing "hmmnn" from time to time. It's important when looking to our clients for feedback that we concentrate on listening and actually hearing what they have to say. 

Take what has been said, written or filled in online and really take the time to break down the information and feedback. Look at the stats. What are your clients trying to tell you? What can you improve on? How can you make the experience better for them? 

Step 3. ACTION

You've done the hard part, you've recognised you want to create raving fans, you have looked at what you need to ask to best benefit the business and you have asked your customers to give you feedback on what they think you can improve on and what is important to them. So the worst thing you could do now is file the results on the shelf! 

Now is time for action, as with looking at the correct questions to ask, now that you have the results, share them with everyone involved, with everyone in the organisation. Make sure that everyone knows what your clients believe are the most important things you need to do right. 

Then simply DO them… If your clients want better service, friendlier opening times, more accessible customer support, an easier way to get in touch or whatever it might be, do it! At the end of the day, all companies are only as big as their customers and if you aren't in the business of pleasing them, chances are, you won't be in business long. 

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